Page 16 - Fait Personified
P. 16

Can they really spoil or improve your life?

           Life is not considered spoilt or improved on the basis of
           present sorrow or happiness. Instead, it is judged on what
           kind of fruits it will bear in the long run – those of happiness
           or sorrow.

           When a school-going boy is not studying properly and just
           whiling away his time by playing around and watching T.V.,

           is he not happy? Then why is he continuously pestered. “O
           fool! Why are you spoiling your life by passing time like this?
           Playing around will not help in the future.” Don’t you say
           this? On what basis do you consider his life spoilt? You believe
           that if he does not study well, he will remain foolish and will
           not be able to earn a proper living for himself after growing
           up. He will thus be unable to remain happy and content.

           Present activities that lead to a disastrous future are considered
           unwanted even if they provide momentary pleasures.

           A rich father’s spoilt brat, indulging in gambling is enjoying
           his present life partying and eating with friends and family.
           Inspite of this, doesn’t his father scold him for not doing
           anything worthwhile and thus wasting his life?

           Similarly, wise men are constantly warning us – “If your mind
           is occupied with greed, hatred, revenge, jealousy and anger,
           then (mind well) .... you are wasting your life.” If you do not
           pay heed to this warning and continue living life according
           to your wish without even trying to eliminate such evils, you
           will be considered foolish like the spoilt brat.

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