Page 195 - Faith Personified
P. 195
little carried away by Derabodhi’s trap and hence I made up
this melodrama to convince you. But actually you had to
think about Lord’s universally applicable and acceptable
fundas (Tatvas) at that point of time. How complete is the
path demonstrated by Lord Vitaraga – no loopholes, no flaws.
Do such miracles affect the universal fundas? You saw your
father and Lord Shivji and your father was addressing you,
does it devalue the path of conduct showed by omniscient
Vitaraga Bhagwan? No. The elements of Ashrava, Samvara,
Bandha, Nirjara, etc. are going to remain constant. Also, right
perception, knowledge and conduct, 12 rows of a Jain
householder, 10 types of rows of a saint, etc. cannot be proved
wrong. What to get attracted by miracles? Why to give them
any importance?”
If he would have thought on these lines and not given the
drama any kind of importance, then he wouldn’t have come
to ask his mentor. Since he asked, his mentor judged his
thought process and showed him a miracle greater than the
one he had previously seen. Later, his mentor – knowledgeable
Guru Hemchandracharya clarified saying that all these dramas
are absolutely worthless. The principles and path preached
by the Lord are precious and priceless and hence it is wise to
stick to them and not get attracted by short-term miracles.
What was Guru Hemchandracharya’s intention behind
showing Kumarpada the drama? Not to show off his capability
or satisfy his curiosity but only to pacify Kumarpal’s confused
mind. Hence, once Kumarpal realized his mistake, he clarified