Once upon a time - Ashtapad Tirth
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Kids! Have you heard of the Mount Ashtapad?
Ashta means eight and pad means steps - the mountain with eight steps. "Even a small child can climb it." Right? No, No!
Each step of this mountain is a height of one Yojan (13 km). Can a person of our stature climb a step of 13 km high?
Therefore, those taapas (sages) who embark on this pilgrimage do tapascharya in order to acquire the required strength of labdhi. By fasting, their powers are manifested, and when they attain the power of labdhi, they can climb those steps.
Kodinn, Dinn, and Sevaal, three taapas along with their 500 disciples practice sadhana on the path of Mount Ashtapad.
The five hundred taapas fasting for one day then parnu then one day upvas were on the first step.
The five hundred taapas fasting for two days then parnu then two days upvas were on the second step.
Likewise, five hundred taapas fasting for three days then parnu then three days upvas were on the third step of the mountain.
When these 1500 taapas with bodies withered and emaciated by tapasya see Guru Gautam swami coming to Mount Ashtapad, they started thinking: 'We are broken by asceticism for years, yet we cannot climb above 3 steps. This sadhu is so healthy. How will he climb?'
But to their astonishment, Gautam swami reached the top of the peak with the labdhi of catching the sun's rays!
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Tags : Jain story, Gautam swami, ashtapad tirth