Pooja Perfect - Eighth Pooja Fal Pooja/Ashtaprakari pooja/What special care should be taken in fal pooja?
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Eighth Pooja Fal Pooja
Place the fruits in the plate, hold the plate in your hand, and recite the verse below.
A couplet on Fal Pooja:
ઇન્દ્રાદિક પૂજા ભણી, ફલ લાવો ધરી રાગ। પુરુષોત્તમ પૂજા કરી, માંગો શિવફલ ત્યાગ॥
Mantra for Fal Pooja:
ૐ ર્હ્રીં ર્શ્રીં પરમપુરુષાય પરમેશ્ર્વરાય જન્મ-જરા-મૃત્યુનિવારણાય શ્રીમતે જિનેન્દ્રાય ફલાનિ યજામહે સ્વાહા।
Offer Fal Pooja after banging danka 27 times with a gentle tap.
Now place the fruit in the plate on the offering tray.
Fal refers to sweet, delicious, and juicy fruits.
Before offering the fruit:
1. Use the best seasonal fruits, such as pomegranates in winter and mangoes in summer.
2. On parva tithis, we typically do not consume green fruits. However, fruits can be offered in the worship of prabhu. Otherwise, no naivedya would be offered even on fasting days! But this is not the case.
3. If possible, avoid using inferior fruits like betel nuts and almonds. Offer the finest and most excellent fruits. This is because the quality of the offering reflects the sincerity of the devotion.
4. After chaityavandan, place the akshat, naivedya and fruits - in the appropriate place, so that ants and other pests do not come.
5. After offering the best fruits, pray for the attainment of the ultimate fruit – liberation-moksh.
In addition to this astaprakari pooja, parmatma is also worshipped in various other ways using items like chamar, darpan, pankho, clothes etc..
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