Fill the colour Feel Mahavir - Kids colour activity
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Fill the color, Feel the Mahavir
In the third previous birth, that is, the 25th birth, Parmatma Mahavir Swami was Nandan Rajarshi. In the lifespan of 25 lakh years, he ruled as a king for 24 lakh years, taking care of the kingdom.
In the last one lakh years of the lifespan, the Nandan King accepts the ascetic life. As the king becomes a sage, he is called 'Nandan Rajarshi'.
In the one lakh years of the saiyam life, he performed tapp of continuous Maaskhaman. By performing 11,80,645 Maaskhaman + the power of the intention to liberate all living beings, he attained the Tirthankar naamkarma.
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Additional Info
Number of pages : 20
Weight : 150gms