Books on Jainism in English Hindi and Gujarati is a website which offers Jain books / literature for free reading as well as option to purchase extremely useful Jain books in English, Gujarati and Hindi.
We have converted Jain literature / Jain books in English, Gujarati and Hindi electronically into eBooks (pdf or other formatted files) or other electronic media and made available via the website to the readers who are interested in the Jain religion and its philosophy.
It contains more than 75 books set of Shri Bhuvanbhanu Encyclopaedia which covers various topics of Jainism including Jain Stories, Jain Philosophy and literature representing many aspects of Jainism. It contains Jain literature and biography of various Jain saints like Acharya Shri Premsuri Maharaja, Acharya Shri Bhuvanbhanu Suri Maharaja and Acharya Shri Jayghosh suri Maharaja. is
a website which has collection of Jainism
literature, Jain books in English, Hindi, Gujarati.
The website is
freely accessible all users and the registered users can freely download any
material Jain books.
The website comprises
of a vast collection of Jain books (in Gujarati English and Hindi) such as Handbook of Jainology, Amidrishti,
Ideal personalities of Jainism etc.
Below are the
links for Free reading of books on Jainism as well to buy the books on Jainism
in English, Hindi and Gujarati