Page 29 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 29

[29] RAMAYANA (3)
                                                                                                       (Greed for Fame -Detachment)

                                                                                       (1) Sita  dreamt  of  a  8-legged  two  deer’s  and  thereafter  she
                                                                                       became pregnant. (2) Disguised Ram heard a  launderer rebuke
                                                                                       his wife and  came   to  know  about people suspecting Sita’s
                                                                                       character  and  he left  Sita.  (3) Upon the  request of  King
                                                                                       Vasragangh, Sita went  to his house  and  gave  birth  to  2  sons,
                                                                                       Lavanankush and Madanankush. (4)  Naradji introduces both to
                                                                                       Ram and  Laxman when they came to the  battlefield. (5) Sita’s
                                                                                       test  for purity  and virtuousness. She  renounced  world  and
                                                                                       becomes Sitendra, the Indra of the 12th heaven. (6) Seeing the
                                                                                       sunset   Hanuman   became   detached   and  along with his two
                                                                                       wives and 750 kings      renounced    the  world  and attained
                                                                                       Moksha. (7)  Ram   renounced the   world and attained Avadhi
                                                                                       Gyan (the  knowledge beyond sense organs).      Sitendra try  to
                                                                                       astray him from his  meditation but fails to Muni Ram. (8) Monk
                                                                                       Ram  attains Supreme    Knowledge. Replying   to  Sitendra  Ram
                                                                                       says  “Ravan and Laxman     presently   in the  4th hell would
                                                                                       become     Tirthankars  (God)  in the  future.  Sitendra would
                                                                                       become   in  future  a  Ganadhar, principle disciple of  Tirthankar
                                                                                       Ravana”. (9) To   bring both   Laxman    and  Ram  to  heaven,
                                                                                       Sitendra went  to  4th  hell  where they  were  undergoing  a  lot of
                                                                                       pain and  being shattered like mercury.
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