Page 26 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 26

[26] RAMAYANA (2)
                                                                                                        (Ego and Effect of Penance)

                                                                                        (1) Hanuman    gave  Sita’s bangles  to  Ram.  (2) Vibhishan
                                                                                        was    contempt   by  Indrajeet, when   he  requested  the
                                                                                        release of  Sita. (3) Vibhishan seeks  shelter of  Ram.  (4)
                                                                                        Laxman (the   Vasudev) and Ravana      (the  Prati Vasudev)
                                                                                        fought  fiercely.  (5) Due to  Ravana’s super  natural power,
                                                                                        ‘Amogh   Vijaya’,  Laxman becomes     unconscious   and  is
                                                                                        saved by the touch of  Vishalya, who did a lot of  penance
                                                                                        in her previous birth.   (6) Ravana’s (Vidya    Sadhana),
                                                                                        Mandodari’s keen watch,   and Ravana’s threat  to  have sex
                                                                                        with Sita renders her unconscious. Ravana’s   repentance.
                                                                                        (7)  Laxman's  spherical weapon (Chakra)     kills Ravana.
                                                                                        Shame on ego, and on crave for lust.  (8) With 1,000 kings,
                                                                                        Bharat renounced    the  world and  attained the Supreme
                                                                                        Knowledge (Keval Gyan).
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