Page 21 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 21

                                                                                                           (Love for Monk ship)

                                                                                        (1) In  his  previous birth,  Prince Nandishen, was  a  worker
                                                                                        where  food  was cooked  for the  Brahmins and would then
                                                                                        take  whatever   was left. (2)  He  served that  food to  the
                                                                                        Monks. (3) After  becoming a Jain Monk, he did not want to
                                                                                        fall victim to passions, lust emotions and to break the  vows
                                                                                        of  Monkshood.    He  tried to  commit  suicide  where the
                                                                                        Sashan  Devi (A Lady Deity) saved him. (4) He went to the
                                                                                        house of a  prostitute for food.  There he  plucked a blade of
                                                                                        glass and  brought  rainfall  of  gold. The prostitute captured
                                                                                        him  and  kept  him  for 12  years.  (5) He vowed to  give
                                                                                        sermons  and convince 10   persons  every  day  to renounce
                                                                                        this world.  (6) One  day,  9 persons  were  ready  to  renounce
                                                                                        world but  the  tenth  wouldn’t, therefore,  Nandishen kept
                                                                                        giving his  sermons.  When called for food  by the lady, he
                                                                                        said that, the  10th  is not getting ready  to  renounce the
                                                                                        world, the  lady  jokingly  said Nandishen that why  does  not
                                                                                        he   become    the  10th  person  himself.  Therefore, he
                                                                                        renounced the  world and became a Jain Monk again at the
                                                                                        feet of  God Mahavir and went to heaven.
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