Page 23 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 23

                                                                                                     King Kumarpal (Kind to all creatures)

                                                                                       (1) Kumarpal in his previous birth  as   Jaytak- a  brave who
                                                                                       troubled the subjects  was exiled from the kingdom by the king
                                                                                       on being  told by  his father.  (2) In  the  forest,  he  scolded a Jain
                                                                                       Monk. But after hearing the sermons of the Monk, he vowed to
                                                                                       leave  the  7  deadly  sins. (3) With  flowers  bought  of  5  pence
                                                                                       (Kodi), he worshipped the God. (4) In the birth as Kumarpal, he
                                                                                       accepts 12  different rules of conduct of Shravak (Jain follower)
                                                                                       from  Guru  Hemchandracharya. (5) In    kingdom   of  Kumarpal
                                                                                       even the water  given to the horses was filtered using a  cotton
                                                                                       cloth. (6)  King Kumarpal would    clean the  saddle with   his
                                                                                       dupatta (a scarf)  so that he does not kill any living  organisms
                                                                                       when he   sits. (7) During his  Samayik (vow  to  live as  a  Jain
                                                                                       Monk  for  48 minutes), he saw  a big  black ant on his lap;  with
                                                                                       the fear that it may die he would not pick it & throw it but would
                                                                                       scoop a bit of  his flesh  and gently  lay  the  ant!!! (8) In  his  18
                                                                                       provinces, he proclaimed  non-violence. (9) When a Deity asked
                                                                                       for  a  sacrifice of  an  animal, Kumarpal refused,  which angered
                                                                                       the  Deity  and  made  him  a  leper. But with  the grace  of  Guru
                                                                                       Hemchandracharya, the disease was cured. (10)        Once he
                                                                                       ordered his brother-in-law,  who killed lice, to build a Jain temple
                                                                                       as  a  price for his  sins. (11)  Palm  leaves were  used  to  write
                                                                                       Agams.  Once   there was   shortage  of  leaves.  Therefore King
                                                                                       Kumarpal worshipped Palm trees and they turned into Tad trees
                                                                                       miraculously.  (12)  Ajaypal poisons Kumarpal and   threatened
                                                                                       the  treasurer  and  took  away  the  keys  so  that  Kumarpal  could
                                                                                       not even get a     precious stone   that  can  cure  poisoned
                                                                                       Kumarpal. (13)  After Kumarpal’s death,   Ajaypal became   the
                                                                                       king and destroyed many Jain temples.  Due to this sin he went
                                                                                       to hell along with traitor Monk Balchandra.
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