Page 19 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 19

                                                                                                           (Firm in Character)

                                                                                       (1)  Kapila with  trick  and  fraud  called  Sudarshan  home  and
                                                                                       urged  for sensual  pleasure.  He  replied “I am  impotent  and
                                                                                       thus escaped  from there. (2) On the excuse of a statue, the
                                                                                       maidservant picks  Sudarshan   who was in    meditation and
                                                                                       brought him.  Because  of   Sudarshan's  firmness and  after
                                                                                       being  helpless,  the  Queen screams  falsely  that she  was
                                                                                       raped. (3) Hearing this, the King orders death  punishment to
                                                                                       the  meditating Sudarshan.  However,  given the strong  and
                                                                                       pure character  of Sudarshan, he got help of power of Deities
                                                                                       and the rope used  for  hanging him  turned  into  a  throne. He
                                                                                       got more  respect  and  honour  from  the  King.  The truth  gets
                                                                                       spilled out and  the  blemished character of  Sudarshan   is
                                                                                       cleared and  penance  of  Manorama   comes  to  an  end. (4)
                                                                                       Due to   overpowering   of  Yaksha    (Deity) in his  body,
                                                                                       Arjunmali (shown as   demon   in  picture)  used  to kill 6  men
                                                                                       and 1   woman   daily  for many  years.  (5) When  Arjunmali
                                                                                       came  to  kill Sudarshan,  he heard  chanting  of  Navkar from
                                                                                       Sudarshan. As   a  result, Yaksha  came   out of  Arjunmali’s
                                                                                       body.  Arjunmali falls on his feet and along with  Sudarshan
                                                                                       goes  to  Samavsaran of  God.  (6)  Arjunmali renounced the
                                                                                       world.  All the  relatives and  loved ones of  those whom
                                                                                       Arjunmali had killed,  beat him  up. He  tolerated  the beating
                                                                                       with patience due to  which he received Supreme Knowledge
                                                                                       (Keval Gyan)  and Moksha.   Sudarshan  also  renounced the
                                                                                       world.  The   Queen who had became witch, tortured
                                                                                       Sudarshan but he  tolerated everything smilingly and attained
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