Page 17 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 17

                                                                                                              (Keval Gyan)

                                                                                       (1) Bhavdev   (Jambu   Swami in his    previous birth)  was
                                                                                       brought  before Guruji by his brother (who was a  monk) and
                                                                                       without even asking the newly wed  Bhavdev, told Guruji that
                                                                                       Bhavdev   desired to  renounce the world.   (2)  Due to  the
                                                                                       brotherly  modesty, Bhavdev   actually  renounced  the  world
                                                                                       and also practiced  monkshood. Only   after  his brother died,
                                                                                       he  came  back  to  his  village  in  search  of  his  wife  Nagila. (3)
                                                                                       Nagila  understood  her husband’s worldly  desire and  calm
                                                                                       him  down in his monk  life.  Bhavdev  continued to live as  a
                                                                                       monk and after death he attained heavenly life. (4) In his next
                                                                                       life, he became  a  prince  Shivkumar, on seeing  a monk,  he
                                                                                       deeply  felt  the  indifference to  the  world and was  inspired to
                                                                                       renounce  the  world but his parents  refused.  Therefore,  he
                                                                                       started  to  fast  for two days  followed by  an  Ayambil (one
                                                                                       meal a day  made without   oil,  ghee,  butter,  milk and curd).
                                                                                       Thereafter, he  fasted  until death  and  took  birth  in  heaven.
                                                                                       (5) In his next  birth, he was born as Jambu Kumar, who herd
                                                                                       Sudharma Swami’s sermons and felt the transitory nature of
                                                                                       the world and he decided to renounce the world.  (6) But his
                                                                                       parents  insisted on  him  to  get married. At  his very  first
                                                                                       wedding night Jambu    Kumar argued   with  his 8  wives how
                                                                                       monkshood   is  a  door to  Moksha  and  convinced them   to
                                                                                       renounce  the  world. This  discussion was overheard  by  the
                                                                                       500  thieves.  Thieves realised the  detachment  to  wealth. All
                                                                                       of  them  (Jambu  Kumar, his parents,  his wives,  their  parents
                                                                                       and all thieves) totaling to 527 persons, renounced the world
                                                                                       and became   Jain monks. Jambu    Swami received Supreme
                                                                                       Knowledge  (Keval Gyan) and attained Moksha.
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