Page 14 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 14

                                                                                                             (Severe Repenting)

                                                                                         (1)  Atimuktak was a 6 year-old child,  who  offered Ganadhar
                                                                                         Gautam  Swami (the   first  disciple of  God  Mahavir) sweets
                                                                                         (Laddus). (2) Atimuktak goes   with  Gautam  Swami. Seeing
                                                                                         the weight  that  Gautam  Swami  was  carrying,  he  offered to
                                                                                         carry  the  patras  (wooden vessels of  Jain  monk). Gautam
                                                                                         Swami said,”  Only  when  you become  a Jain monk, you can
                                                                                         carry  patras”  (3) Hence, Atimuktak renounced the world and
                                                                                         became  a Jain monk  at  the  age  of  6.  Once, he  went  out to
                                                                                         answer  a  natures  call to  a quiet  place. There,  he saw
                                                                                         rainwater flowing.  He  built a  small portion of  mud  and  he
                                                                                         floated  his  patra  as  a  boat and   started  playing and
                                                                                         screaming in joy. Other monks asked him to  stop. The monks
                                                                                         reported  this incidence to God Mahavir,  “How  will  this cage
                                                                                         less child ever  (who is  killer  of  living  organisms  in  water)
                                                                                         observe   non-violence.” God  replies, “Don’t disregard  this
                                                                                         child.  He will  achieve the supreme  knowledge (Keval  Gyan)
                                                                                         before  all of  you.”  Hearing this  the  monks  apologized. (4)
                                                                                         One  day, Atimuktak saw other children playing in  the water
                                                                                         with  boats  made  out of  leaves. It  reminded  of  his previous
                                                                                         play and how he had committed sin. (5) Reciting “Iriyavahiya
                                                                                         sutra”  (repenting  the  killing  of  living  organisms)  in
                                                                                         Samavasaran (place of    God’s address),   he   attained the
                                                                                         supreme knowledge (Keval  Gyan) and Moksha at the tender
                                                                                         age of 9 due to heartfelt repenting.
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