Page 20 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 20

                                                                                                          (Server of the Monks)

                                                                                       (1) Nandishen was so    ugly  that  not even one  out of  the
                                                                                       seven daughters of his maternal Uncle agreed to marry him.
                                                                                       (2) A Jain Monk saved him when he tried to  commit suicide
                                                                                       due to  his  ugliness.  Nandishen  renounced  the  world and
                                                                                       vowed to fast for two days  followed by Ayambil & fast for two
                                                                                       days again and to  look after  other  Monks till death.  To  test
                                                                                       this quality  of Nandishen, two Deities came down in disguise
                                                                                       as  Monks. One of the Monk contemptuously told  Nandishen
                                                                                       to  look after the  weak  Monk (second    Disguised Deity).
                                                                                       Nandishen goes     there.  (3) The weak Monk        rebuked
                                                                                       Nandishen. Nandishen     cleaned his urine  and  excreta  and
                                                                                       made  the  Monk to  sit on  his  back. (4) While  carrying  the
                                                                                       monk  on his back,  Nandishen    walked slowly  so as not to
                                                                                       hurt the Monk.  The Monk often urinated and excreted on his
                                                                                       back, yet, Nandishen bore    it gracefully  with  patience. (5)
                                                                                       Both  the  Deities, who were  disguised  as  Monks,  appeared
                                                                                       before  him  and  apologized and   praised Nandishen. (6)
                                                                                       Nandishen undertook    Anshan (fast  until death)   and did
                                                                                       Niyana (Strong desire    for worldly  wishes     other than
                                                                                       Moksha) to become (Stree Vallabh- Liked  by many women)
                                                                                       and left for his heavenly abode.  He became Krishna's father
                                                                                       Vasudev and attained  Moksha.
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