Page 46 - Fait Personified
P. 46

Q.  How to retain your happiness when you are down with
           some major disease?

           Ans. Just as undergoing penance and doing fasts is a form of
           worship, so is forbearing diseases without complaints. It stops
           the inflow of new karmas on the soul and also deletes the past

           karmas. You must be well aware that illness is an outcome of
           past inauspicious karmas. Once these karmas come into action,
           they will not wither away without showing their fruits. Thus,
           while you are being troubled by such diseases, why don’t you
           think that it is actually an opportunity to get rid of the karma
           garbage dumped on the soul? By doing so, retaining
           composure and equanimity will become easier.

           Thus, a wise and learned saint does not feel low and dejected
           during times of illness or in times when he cannot study
           efficiently, because he is aware that by studying properly or
           staying healthy, he will perform other religious acts efficiently.
           What is the ultimate outcome? Karma Nirjara – i.e. shedding
           of karmas from the soul. Similar is the achievement if he
           positively faces trying times of illness and ignorance.

           c) Sulsa’s Problem

           Because of her strong religious faith, the absence of a son did
           not matter to Sulsa. In this material world, who possesses
           such faith towards the Almighty and his words? The majority
           of people overlook enormous gains and are continuously

           bothered by the minimal losses and missing pieces in their
           lives. It has become their way of life. Discontent prevails.

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