Page 49 - Fait Personified
P. 49

Contemplation on Sulsa’s Words :

           Pondering over Sulsa’s words will effectively eliminate the
           worries of people – worries related to lack of children, wealth,
           power, position, etc.

           Why worry about all these? Amidst these worries, why lose
           out on the actual worries of a progressive next birth or

           acquiring virtues? The mind is one. It cannot possess two
           different thoughts or anxieties at the same time.

           What do you believe? Can worldly acts be accomplished only
           if you worry about it? Can acts of spiritual welfare be
           accomplished without any efforts or worries? You are under
           the wrong notion if you believe so. When will the concern

           for a better rebirth, noble acts and virtues occupy your mind?
           Sulsa’s words describe this. Her strong religious faith reflects
           in her words.

           Nagrathik’s Arguments

           “O dear one! You are absolutely right, but my mind is just

           not ready to understand. Worldly beings have 3 places of
           refuge – (1) A loving wife, (2) A humble and cultured son,
           (3) Company of good friends. Even a single son brightens the
           entire family progeny.

           A son denotes the family tree. The son reminds people of his
           forefathers. A noble son increases the reputation of his parents.

           Sagar Chakravarti’s glory spread far and wide and will be

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