Page 54 - Fait Personified
P. 54

upon the punya and the reasons behind it. Feeling jealous of
           the person bearing the punya is absolutely inappropriate.

           Q.  But it may so happen that both the servants equally
           respect and efficiently serve the master. Instead of it, the
           employer has a soft corner for one. Why so?

           Ans. Such a situation is very much possible. But here you
           should understand that he is dear to the master because of

           the punya of his Saubhagya Namakarma* which is in action.
           Living creatures are vulnerable against the power of punya
           and paap. Therefore, they have no option but to naturally
           bear their good or bad consequences when they come into
           action. Therefore, instead of being jealous of the opposite
           person whose fortunes are dependent on his past punya
           karmas and harbouring hatred towards the person who is

           bearing the brunt of his past papa karmas, it is wise to ponder
           over the dominance of punya and papa. Also, think about
           your own punya and papa.

           The second advantage of contemplation on punya and papa
           is that eventually your focus will shift on your own punya-
           papa and its reason; appropriate measures can be taken but
           it should not lead to envy and resentment.

           I have good family and friends, wealth and wife, good health

           and a comfortable life. People like and respect me, my words
           also become acceptable to others. All these are the fruits of

           *  Saubhagya Namakarma – The karma which ensures your fortune
              and luck.

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