Page 56 - Fait Personified
P. 56

how do you use it? In worldly pleasures or religious activities?
           Do you feel like doing penance or only keep eating all day?
           On attaining respect from others do you start insulting and
           taunting people working under you, or do you sympathize
           with them? Owing to humility and modesty, you have got
           such a noble family; does it inflate your ego or does it lead
           to increase in humility and benevolence?

           All of this needs deep thought. You claim to believe in punya
           and papa. But do you do anything productive after believing?
           In which direction is the precious human time, body and
           intelligence being drained? On the hard rock of 18
           papasthanakas* or in the fertile soil of the appropriate acts of
           mind, body and speech?

           If you divert all your energy in this direction, you will surely
           succeed in eliminating unwanted vices like pride, jealousy,
           hatred, deceit and cheating. Your life will shine like a true

           Q.  But in today’s fast-paced routine, who has the time to
           think about all this?

           Ans. In the past as well as in the present, many respected
           people contemplate on this. Don’t they have other things to
           worry about? Bharat Chakravarti had thousands of sons and
           grandsons and he ruled as many as 32000 countries; Is this
           a small responsibility? But you want to take everything in

           *  Papasthanakas : The activities of mind, body and speech that lead
              to the binding of sins.

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