Page 53 - Fait Personified
P. 53

opposite person’s Adeya Namakarma is in action and yours
           isn’t. This will prevent the rise of jealousy.

           Q.  Why bring Adeya Namakarma into the picture?

           Ans. So that we do not harbour jealousy and resentment
           towards those who possess strong Adeya Namakarma.

           “Why don’t people obey me? Why does everyone listen to
           him? Why is he wealthy and I am not?”

           What is the reason behind such jealousy? The reason is that
           we look at the wealth but not the punya behind it. If we have
           that insight, then we will immediately tell our mind that
           attainment of wealth is dependent on the opposite person’s
           punya. In that case, why should I be jealous and spoil my
           mind? What will I gain? Instead I should think about the

           opposite person’s punya – why is his punya more than mine?
           What should I do to increase mine?

           An employer’s behaviour with two servants :

           An employer favours one servant more than the other. He
           gives him many concessions in work. At that point of time,
           the other servant should not feel envious and spoil his mind
           thinking that the employer is unjust. Instead, he should
           consider the reasons behind the employer’s favours on the

           other servant. Does he respect and serve the master better
           than I do? He gladly obeys each and every order without
           delay. Then, isn’t it obvious that the master favours him? The
           favours are a result of punya and hence he should deliberate

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