Page 66 - Fait Personified
P. 66

may cause miseries and tensions here and also consequent
           births of hell whereas, O Almighty! Seeing you and your
           detachment, this external wealth seems meaningless and who
           will worry on not obtaining such waste?

           If worldly wealth seems like waste, then the mind will surely
           experience peace. If worldly wealth seems precious mental
           peace is beyond your reach.

           You worship God every day, right? While doing so, do you
           realize that He possessed abundant wealth and then just
           discarded it as if it was absolutely unimportant and a waste?
           This is the actual importance of the ritual of worshipping

           God – realization that external wealth and luxuries are
           insignificant. This realization is sure to gift you mental peace.

           Not only this ritual, but each and every religious activity has
           the power to give you peace and solitude, mental composure
           and calmness. The significance of religion is not measured on
           the basis of the magic and miracle that it exhibits. If you do
           so then when miracles are apparent, the significance will
           increase and when they are not, the significance of religion
           will decrease. But this is not the truth.

           Religion is glorious and marvellous at all times. But its real
           significance is that only Religion has the power to gift you

           mental peace. No worldly wealth, family or fame has this
           power. A true religious outlook strengthens this belief.

                What does a religious outlook enable you to do?

           During adverse times, a person possessing a religious outlook

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