Page 67 - Fait Personified
P. 67

and having true faith in religion will look towards his own
           negative karmas. He will not blame others. Instead, he will
           blame himself saying “I am at fault. I possess Anadeya
           Namakarma and other such negative karmas as a result of
           which even my right advice and opinions are not accepted by
           others.” Not only this, he will also contemplate on the reasons
           behind this bondage of karma and try to eliminate those
           reasons by taking the necessary measures. He will think that

           he must not have worshipped God with complete devotion
           as a result of which such negative karmas are coming into

                          What is complete devotion?

           Living a life completely in accordance with the principles laid
           down by the Arihantas.

              (Bhakti) Devotion is of two types –

              i) (Object) Dravya Bhakti i.e. the one which is done
                 using flower, fruits, ornaments and music.

              ii) (Feelings) Bhava Bhakti i.e. the one which is done from
                 the heart by singing praises of Lord and by following
                 his principles.

              Also, complete faith in his principles = Samyak Darshan
           = Incomplete Bhavabhakti.

              Complete following of his principles = Samyak Charitra
           = Complete Bhavabhakti.

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