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Surishwarji  had  acquired  the  prestigious  GDA
             degree  (Government  Diploma  in  Accounting,

             equivalent  to  the  current  Chartered  Accountants
             degree  in  India)  of  London.  Thereafter,  he
             renounced  the  material  world  and  accepted  Jain

             Along  with  following  the  strict  code  of  conduct

             of Jainism, he sunk into the endless ocean of Jain

             He  was  a  renowned  scholar  of  Prakrit,  Sanskrit
             and  Gujarati,  and  had  mastered  every  aspect  of

             Indian philosophy.

             After  years  of  in-depth  study  of  Jain  scriptures,
             he could explain advanced concepts of philosophy
             in lucid language to the masses.

             His motivationg and heart-rending sermons created
             a magical effect on people from all walks of life.
             In a short span on 5 years, as many as 35 youngsters
             from  affluent  families  of  Mumbai  renounced  the
             material world and accepted monkhood.

             He started a weekly magazine, Divya-Darshan, in
             1952, which was published for 42 years.

             Using  his  knowledge,  logic,  intelligence  and

             convincing  power,  he  was  even  successful  in
             changing  the  thought  process  of  a  former  Prime
             Minister  of  India  on  the  subject  of  "Child
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