Page 7 - EJO0055
P. 7


         We all know that fire tests the purity of certain substances

         and also purifies the impure. When an impure thing like gold
         undergoes  the  rising  heat  of  fire,  it  is  bound  to  leave  it's
         impurity  and  emerge  purer  and  brighter  than  before.  The
         fire (purifier) remains as it is but changes the nature of the

         other substance.

         But  have  you  ever  seen  that  the  substance  to  be  purified
         remains  as  it  is  and  the  purifier  undergoes  a  phenomenal
         change  i.e.  gold  remains  as  it  is  and  the  fire  undergoes  a

         transformation  ?  Does  this  seem  possible?  Not  unless  a
         MIRACLE occurs !

         One such MIRACLE is Mahasati Sita -

         A mere spark of fire has the power to reduce an eronmous
         jungle  to  ash.  But  here  a  300-hand  deep  pit  burning  with
         fire proved weak in front of the intensity of Sita's glowing

         faith  and  purity.  The  fire  could  not  harm  Sita.  Infact,  the
         power of Sita's holiness was so high that the fire underwent
         a chemical change and transformed into it's opponent. Yes,

         you got it right! The fire turned into water. Why?

         “As if to surender itself and accept defeat and make a public
         declaration that it is incapable of purifying Sita further. She
         is the ultimate purifier – stronger and more efficient than
         me  (fire) also.  She  compelled me  to  forsake my negativity

         of burning and harming others. She can purify the young and
         old,  the  smart  and  dumb,  one  and  all.  She  can  purify  me.
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