Page 12 - EJO0055
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to  be  really  important  and  impactful.  Ganadharas  are  the
        creators  of  Dvadashangi  which  includes  the  enormous  ‘14
        Poorvas’.  They  will  never  propound  anything  that  is  futile
        or  unnecessary.  Their  propositions  are  definitely  deeply
        meaningful. You can thus imagine the importance and depth
        of the above stanza.
        The Verse means : “May my days pass by being occupied in
        the religious stories of the 24 Tirthankara Lords. These stories
        have  the  power  to  destroy  the  sins  piled  up  by  several  past
        births and can also abolish lakhs of future births.”

        This should be the thought process of a true Jain householder.
        How impactful these religious stories are ! Listening to them
        for a short while can abolish the sins of several lifetimes.

        Q. Can religious stories possess so much power ?

        A. Ofcourse yes. Because,
        (1)  The impact of these religious stories is propounded by the
            great Ganadharas. These religious stories have the power to
            eliminate the sins committed over a long period. Then where
            is  the  doubt  about  the  power  of  these  religious  stories ?

        (2)  The second reason is that these religious stories describe
            the  valour  and  achievements  of  greatmen  in  interesting
            words  which  arouses  the  sentiments  of  the  listeners,
            increases their positive thoughts thus purifying their mind
            and soul. Such sentiments and thoughts have the power to
            destroy the bad karmas accumulated over a long time.
        The question here is,

        How can short term positive thoughts destroy sins accumulated
        over a comparatively long period ?

        Q.  Bad  karmas  are  accumulated  due  to  wrong  thoughts
            and actions exercised over a long period. Listening to
          2                                                Purity Purified
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