Page 15 - EJO0055
P. 15

Lets see…

        (1)  Continuous  rainfall  for  just  4  days  can  cool  down  the
            atmosphere heated up by the scorching summer heat since
            the past 4 months.

        (2)  Huge  pile  of  grass  accumulated  over  a  long  period  can
            be burnt completely by a mere spark of fire.

        (3)  Just  3  hours  of  saint’s  sermon  can  pacify  the  animosity
            prevailing  since  a  long  time  and  give  rise  to  seeds  of
            friendship and brotherhood.

        (4)  Greed  which  is  practiced  since  times  eternal  can  be
            eradicated by the feelings of satisfaction and self-restraint
            developed by listening to a saint’s discourse.

        (5)  It  takes  years  to  construct  a  building  and  not  even  few
            minutes to destroy it.

        The  impact  of  positive  feelings  in  the  rapid  progress  of  the
        soul is quite evident from the lives of great people like Mata
        Marudeva, Bharat, Bahubali, Sudarshan Sheth, Nagketu, etc.

        Thus it is absolutely necessary to enrich this heart with positive
        thoughts all the while; especially thoughts of brotherhood for

        all, devotion for God and Guru and non-attachment towards
        material  pleasures  because  the  reason  behind  the  rise  of
        negative  thoughts  is  generally  the  lack  of  the  positive
        feelings of brotherhood, devotion and non-attachment.
        The  lives  of  great  men  depict  exemplary  virtues  of  non-
        attachment,  brotherhood,  compassion,  etc.  They  must  have
        imbibed  these  virtues  so  deeply  that  it  made  their  thoughts
        and actions also noble !

        Reading  and  listening  to  their  motivating  stories  repeatedly

        1. Impact of Religious Stories                                 5
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20