Page 13 - EJO0055
P. 13

religious stories for a short span can inculcate positive
            thoughts strong enough to abolish all the bad karmas.
            How is this possible ?

        A.  There is no doubt that positive feelings imbibed even for
            a  short  time  possess  such  enormous  power.  “In  order  to
            completely abolish these wrong thoughts, the soul requires
            to inculcate positive thoughts for a period equivalent to its
            period of wrong thoughts." If you make such a rule then the
            soul will never attain salvation because the soul is contami-
            nated with papakarmas accumulated because of ignorance,
            non-resistance of temptations since times eternal.
        Now, is there time for the cultivation of positive feelings of
        resistance and composure ?

        Is there any birth wherein positive feelings can be cultivated
        and retained for a comparatively long time span ?

          Right  upto  the  births  of  mindless  five-sensed  beings,
           negative thoughts are almost inborn. How are positive and
           good thoughts possible at such a time ?
          In  the  births  of  hell  and  heaven,  living  beings  possess
           mind,  5  senses  and  a  long  lifespan  of  infinite  years.  But
           they  cannot  take  rebirth  again  and  again  in  the  same
           place. Also, during this birth inspite of increasing positive
           thoughts, a living being can maximum attain Samyaktva*
           but cannot attain the height of resistance and renounciation.
           Therefore,  is  there  any  birth  in  which  you  can  eradicate
           the bad karmas accumulated over the giant previous births
           of hell and heaven ?

          Humans and animals in specific places have a life-span of
           infinite years. But there too, they cannot create and retain
           the  feelings  of  resistance  and  renounciation.  Hence  you

        *   Samyaktva -  Right faith that whatever is propounded by Arihanta Lords
                      is true.
        1. Impact of Religious Stories                                 3
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