Page 18 - EJO0055
P. 18

On  the  contrary,  if  you  attain  a  noble  birth,  then  maintain
        a  good  temperament,  cultivate  religious  thoughts  of  non-
        violence, control your sensual pleasures and gradually increase
        feelings  like  forgiveness.  For  this  devotional  reverence  of
        God and Guru, serving saints, listening to religious discourse,
        donation and penance is essential. By doing this if we again
        attain a noble birth, then a good mentality, religious thoughts,
        good actions are possible which again lead to a noble birth.
        Thus  a  channel  of  good  births  eventually  reduces  the  long
        This is why knowledgeable men continuously warn us to not
        spoil our thoughts and actions for the sake of temporary
        material  objects.  They  say,  “Do  not  poison  your  mind  or
        else  once  it  opens  the  doors  of  a  low-grade  birth,  eventual
        downfull cannot be denied. Because in such low-grade births,
        negative thoughts are bound to overcome your heart and mind
        which  will  again  lead  to  a  successive  series  of  worse  births
        in future.”

        That is why you should not keep your thoughts and actions
        occupied  constantly  in  this  temporary  materialistic  world
        because  it  will  keep  your  heart  poisoned  eventually  leading
        to a spoilt birth cycle.

        The above verse ‘Chirasanchiya’ depicts this great duty of a
        Jain householder to pass his days engrossed in the religious
        stories  propounded  by  Tirthankara  Lords.  By  contemplating
        on the inspiring life-stories of great men, we can successfully
        eliminate our previous karmas accumulated since a long time,
        give rise to fresh Punya and thus improve our birth cycle.

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