Page 20 - EJO0055
P. 20

Ram replied, “Why are you taunting me ?”

        Sita  claimed,  “Oh  no !  I  am  not  at  all  taunting  you. This  is
        the  bare  truth.  I  will  tell  you  how.  You  have  done  a  great
        favour on me by residing in my heart. Only because of this,
        the dreadful fire turned into water. If someone else would have
        been  in  my  heart,  then  this  fire  wouldn’t  have  transformed
        into water. Instead, it would have reduced me to ashes. You
        stayed  in  my  heart  and  hence  this  fire  could  not  burn  me.
        Isn’t this the greatest favour on me ?”

        Imagine  Sitaji’s  deep  feeling  of  gratitude ! What  lesson  can
        we learn from this ?

        Leave alone those who have troubled us, we can atleast learn
        to remember the innumerable favours of the Arihantas on us
        from the above instance.

        What are the great favours of Arihanta Lords on us ?
        If we keep Arihanta Lords in our heart then,

        (1) We can perform great religious activities sincerely

        (2)  We  are  motivated  to  cultivate  virtues  of  forgiveness,
            humility, etc.

        (3) Positive thoughts and feelings increase.

        (4) We can earn Punyanubandhi Punya.

        These are his innumerable favours on us. This should be our
        firm belief at all times.

        If we heartly believe this, then we will never take any credit
        for  our  good  actions.  Instead,  “It  is  God’s  great  favour  that
        we  could  perform  such  a  noble  act."  -  This  thinking  will
        motivate  us  to  rever  Him,  serve  Him  or  least  bow  down  in
        front of Him.
         10                                                Purity Purified
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