Page 21 - EJO0055
P. 21

That  is  the  reason  that  ‘Vandittu’  sootra’s  last  verse  says
        ‘Vandami  Jine  Chauvisam’  which  means  that  ‘I  bow  down
        to the 24 Tirthankar Lords.’ Why are we bowing down ? The
        answer to this is that we can confess criticize and repent up on
        our sins only due to His great favour. As a sign of gratitude,
        we bow down in the feet of the great Arihantas.
        Is  there  any  place  or  time  where Arihanta’s  favours  can  be
        denied ? Because of Him, we got a place in this respectable
        Jinshasana,  we  acquired  the  path  to  salvation,  the  path  of
        penance and religion. Forget all this. We have the great chance
        to worship Lord every single morning only because of Him !
        While worshipping Lord each morning we should pray. “Oh !
        Lord I got this golden chance of worshipping Arihant Lord only
        because  you  became Arihant.  What  grace  you  have  done !’’

        While  doing  each  and  every  ritual  -  be  it  Prakshal  -  Kesar-
        Dhoop-Dipaka  Pooja,  singing  devotional  songs  and  doing
        Chaityavandana,  we  should  remember  God’s  innumerable
        favours  on  us  right  since  we  were  in  the  births  of  plants,
        algae,  etc. As  a  mark  of  his  gratitude,  we  should  also  offer
        some money in the donation box.

        His very first favour on us is the attainment of this great human
        birth. In our previous birth, we kept Lord in our heart, purified
        our thoughts, performed various noble acts, because of which
        our Punya increased manifold and we attained this great birth
        in return. Along with it, we acquired good health, five senses
        in order, necessities and luxuries, talent and intelligence; all
        these are God’s abundant favours on us. Thus, we remember
        him again and again.

        Q.  By offering our wealth and other such things, are we
            doing a favour on God ?

        A. If we remember God’s eternal favours on us, then imagine
        how  much  wealth  should  we  offer  as  a  mark  of  gratitude ?
        2. Sita’s Gracious Gratitude                                   11
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