Page 26 - EJO0055
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compared to eternal infinite happiness ? Thus, a difficult but
        beneficial ascetic life is worth accepting.

        Sita  had  already  made  a  firm  resolution  to  accept  ascetism.
        Then do you think that such temporary difficulties would scare
        her ? Would momentary material pleasures tempt her ? While
        experiencing life’s toughest problems, she had already deduced
        the world’s true nature and decided her future plan of action.
        Despite  of  changing  circumstances,  her  decision  was  firm !

        Here, the question will definitely rise,

        Q.  How  can  you  say  that  the  decision  to  renounce  this
            materialistic world was taken by Sita during her days
            of adversity in the forest ? Couldn’t she have taken the
            decision spontaneously ?
        A. No. The reason here is,

          Previously  she  was  sent  to  exile  with  Rama  for  12  long
           years. At  that  time  the  feeling  of  non-attachment  did  not
           rise. She did not feel that ‘instead of roaming, in the forest
           without shelter renouncing the world is a better option.’

          After  that,  Ravana  had  abducted  her.  At  that  time  also
           she  did  not  feel  the  need  for  monkhood.  This  is  evident
           because after that period also she stayed in the luxuries of
           the royal palace.
        But here, right after the miraculous event of fire transforming
        into  water  she  declared  her  desire  to  walk  on  the  path  of
        renounciation.  This  proves  that  she  must  have  strengthened
        the  feeling  of  non-attachment  during  her  days  in  forest.
        She  must  have  reflected  that  the  thirst  for  sensual  desires
        is  in  the  centre  of  all  her  problems.  Therefore,  ‘I  will
        definitely accept ascetism once I am freed of this accusation.
        Because if I accept ascetism now when I am accused guilty
        it will cause harm to Jainism.’
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