Page 27 - EJO0055
P. 27

Ignorant  people  will  say,  “Look,  her  husband  threw  her  out
        of the house because she stayed at another man’s place and
        now she has become a saint. Such a wonderful religion ! First
        commit  grave  mistakes  and  then  accept  monkhood  to  attain
        respect and felicitation.”

        “Thus such an act can degrade Jainism. Instead, it is advisable
        to  wait  till  the  accusation  on  me  is  cleared.  People  will
        understand that I was pure and will not get a chance to speak
        against Jainism.” Sitaji must have made up her mind in this
        way  during  her  days  of  exile. At  present,  the  situation  was
        different and favourable.

          Rama now regretted his act.
          Rama’s affection and respect for Sita increased.
          Sita had two brave and devoted sons at her service.
          She now possessed all the luxuries and fame.
          People all around respected and worshipped her.

        Inspite of all these conveniences, she was absolutely firm on
        her decision of renounciation.

        Now the question that is bound to arise is –

        Q.  Isn’t  it  possible  that  her  decision  for  renounciation  was
            taken now after the miracle and not during her forest days ?
            Now witnessing extremely favourable circumstances, she
            must have concluded that the worldly occurrences are all
            a  drama.  “The  very  husband  who  threw  me  out  is  now
            feeling regretful. The same people criticized me are now

            praising and worshipping me. Everything here is fake and
            momentary. Whom to trust and whom to not ?” Thinking
            on these lines, she must have developed a strong feeling
            of non-attachment towards the world and a strong liking
            for a pure ascetic life. Isn’t this possible ?
        3. Sita’s Desire for Renounciation                            17
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