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4. Mighty Karmasatta

        3 crucial attacks of Karmasatta on Sita :

        Sitaji says; Look following are Karmasatta’s attacks on me.

        When  I  got  married,  I  was  enthusiastic  that  I  have  got  an
        exceptionally  brave  and  reputed  husband  –  King  Dashrath’s
        son. I had thought that I will live a royal and happily married
        life. But Karmasatta attacked me saying, “You wanted a royal
        life.  But  instead  I  will  show  you  the  difficulties  of  exile.

        (1)  I  was  forced  to  leave  the  palatial  pleasures  and  roam
            about in the forest.

        (2)  Inspite of the exile. I was not dejected. Instead, I consoled
            myself saying,

            “Though I was forced to leave the palace but my husband
            is  with  me.  I  was  not  married  to  the  palatial  comforts
            but  I  was  married  to  Rama,  a  true  gentleman  and  he  is
            with  me.  I  was  attached  to  my  husband  and  not  with
            servants, ornaments, royal feasts and chariots. So if I lose
            them, what’s the big deal ? My husband is safe and thus
            everything is safe.”

            No sooner did I make up my mind in this manner, than
            Karmasatta took another shot at me. You were happy that
            your  husband  is  safe  with  you,  right !  Now  look  what  I
            do !  Thus  it  made  Ravana  kidnap  me.  Now  where  was
            my husband’s safe shelter ?
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