Page 35 - EJO0055
P. 35

5. Religion and Character

        (2)  Karmasatta’s  second  strike  at  Sita  was  when  Ravana
            abducted her. Even though Sita was efficiently protected
            by  brave  Rama  and  Lakshmana  and  was  not  left  alone
            in  the  jungle,  Karmasatta  created  such  a  situation  that
            Ravana kidnapped her.

        Ravana laid a trap wherein Rama was made to feel that his
        near ones were attacked and his help was urgently required.
        For protection of the needy, Rama was drawn far away and
        then Ravana made a fake lion roar.

        Hearing  the  lion  roar  Sita  told  Lakshmana,  “Go  fast.  Your
        brother seems to be in deep waters. Go there and rescue him.”
        Lakshmana replied, “No one can harm my brother, such is his
        might.  Do  not  worry.  Moreover  how  can  I  leave  you  alone
        in this forest ?”

        Sita  spoke,  “In  this  selfish  world,  even  the  mighty  can  be
        trapped  by  sly  means.  Thus,  swiftly  go  and  rescue  your
        brother  from  the  trap.  No  one  will  harm  me. And  whatever
        it  is,  I  should  first  ensure  my  Lord,  Rama’s  security.  Thus
        you should go without any further delay.”

        Look at Karma’s game !
        First  Ravana  laid  the  trap,  then  took  Rama  away  and  then
        eventually dragged away Lakshmana, too. Sitaji was living a
        tension-free life assuming that she was safe in the protection of
        two capable men. Then what had she to worry ? Being able to
        live in peace is the fruit of Punya. But punya is untrustworthy.
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