Page 39 - EJO0055
P. 39

Chandanbala’s mother’s example :

        What happened in Chandanbala’s mother’s case ? The soldier
        was taking her by the forest path and while walking he said,
        “Do  not  worry.  Though  your  husband  is  no  more,  you  are
        not alone. I will make you my wife.” Hearing this, the great
        Dharini crushed her tongue and committed suicide. The soldier
        was left astonished and scared.

        Now, the question here is –

        Just for the sake of protecting your character, why to give
        away your body which can be the cause of many religious
        deeds in future ?

        Q.  Is  it  appropriate  to  deliberately  destroy  this  precious
            human life ? If you do not commit suicide and stay alive,
            there is a great chance for numerous religious deeds and
            development of virtues right upto renounciation.

        A.  This  calculation  is  wrong.  Because,  if  you  destroy  the
            foundation of religion-character for saving your life, then
            you actually destroy your religious outlook. ‘Let character
            be affected, atleast my life is saved’ – such a mental state
            gives  importance  to  life  which  is  after  all  material  and
            ignores  character  which  is  spiritually  impactful.  It  puts
            character at a second step.

        Howmuchever religion you exercise after ignoring character
        once; ultimately religion will always stay at second priority
        in life.

        This is because though you saved your life for future religious
        activities, but as present you gave importance to life ignoring
        character. Hence, your mental state will be developed in such
        a  way.  ‘‘Life  is  more  precious  than  religion.  Religion  and
        character occupy a secondary position.” Such a mental state
        is harmful in the long run.”
        5. Religion and Character                                     29
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