Page 42 - EJO0055
P. 42

6. Soul – A Slave ?

        The nature of Ravana’s Pride :

        Ravana’s pride, ego, self-respect made him think on these lines –
        “Sita is never going to voluntarily agree for this relation and
        thus  is  useless  for  me.  Then  what  is  the  need  to  keep  her
        here ? I should hand her over back to Rama. But if I do so,
        people will think that, ‘Ravana got scared and did not want to
        fight Rama-Lakshmana in war. He feared that he will not only
        lose Sita but also his kingdom to Rama and hence preferred
        to  return  back  Sita.  This  will  make  me  infamous  and  will
        decrease my goodwill.

        Am I a coward that I will return back Sita fearing my defeat ?
        Not at all. I can win in war. I have defeated numerous mighty
        kings, then where do Rama-Lakshmana stand ? I will defeat
        them  on  the  war  field,  get  them  in  my  palace  and  out  of
        sympathy  hand  over  Sita  safely.  Then  people  will  sing  my
        glory, “Look ! Ravana is valorous and generous. He achieved
        victory over Rama-Lakshmana and gave back Sita, too.”

        Just to keep his self-respect intact, inspite of suppressing his
        craving  for  Sita,  he  paved  his  way  towards  destruction.  His
        desire  for  sensual  pleasures  reduced  but  his  pride  overcame
        In  this  material  world,  this  soul  is  slave  to  desire  for
        sensual  pleasures  as  well  as  passionate  feelings  of  anger,
        pride, deceit and greed. What is the worth of such a soul ?

        He  is  enslaved  by  one  object  or  other.  He  is  entrapped  by
        anger  or  greed,  pride  or  deceit.  Soul,  itself  seems  helpless.
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