Page 45 - EJO0055
P. 45

7. A True Jain’s Prayer

        Everyday  while  doing  Chaityavandana,  we  recite  the  Jaya
        Viyaraya  Sootra  which  says,  “Dukhkhao,  Kammakkhao…
        sampajjau.”  It  means  that  we  pray  to Almighty  to  eliminate
        our sorrows. Which are these sorrows ? Are we asking for the
        removal  of  the  sorrows  of  poverty,  calamity,  slavery,  etc. ?
        No, we pray to God for the elimination of our soul’s sorrows
        of sensual desires and passionate feelings of anger, greed, etc.
        We want these sorrows to be eliminated. Because these are the
        real sorrows which are troubling the soul since times eternal.
        Also, it is evident that many a times, we are not afflicted by
        poverty  or  slavery  but  the  unquenchable  thirst  for  sensual
        desires keeps us disturbed. Thus, these are the major sorrows
        which troubles the soul and hence need to removed.

        A true Jain householder is constantly worried about this, “If
        I  do  not  eliminate  these  soul’s  sorrows  even  after  acquiring
        the great Jinshasan, then what will be my soul’s state in the
        next births ?

        Thus,  a  true  Shravaka  is  constantly  worried  about  his  next
        births. His vision is focused on,

          I  do  not  want  to  surrender  to  sensual  pleasures  and
           vicious  feelings  and  thus  carry  forward  its  negative
           effects in the next birth.

          The  prime  importance  of  this  human  birth  is  to
           eliminate  these  soul’s  sorrows  by  way  of  non-violence,
           forgiveness, penance, etc.
        7. A True Jain’s Prayer                                       35
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