Page 43 - EJO0055
P. 43

It cannot suppress any of the above. Does this slavery pinch
        the soul ?

        Temporary materialistic pleasures, temporary happiness from
        negative feelings like anger and pride which are followed by
        misery and a long birth-cycle in future is this soul’s slavery.

        Ravana  prioritized  his  pride  and  what  did  he  achieve  in
        return ?  He  had  overcome  his  craving  for  Sita  but  inspite
        of  that,  his  pride  took  him  right  upto  4th  hell.  Imagine  the
        harmful repercussions of pride !
        Moral – Stay Alert !

        The  above  incident  teaches  us  to  reduce  our  attachment
        towards  worldly  pleasures.  We  should  leave  some,  reduce
        some  and  take  vows  to  limit  the  remaining,  because  these
        pleasures prove to be a danger for the soul. Similarly anger,
        pride, deceit, hatred, jealousy, etc. are all dangerous. Hence,
        the mind has to be alert always –

        ‘I have attained the great Jinshasan which is like a doctor for
        the disease like negative feelings and cravings. This Jinshasan
        doctor  provides  the  medicine  of  (1)  4  types  of  religion  –
        charity, character, penance and good feelings, (2) Non-violence,
        renounciation,  penance  (3)  10  great  virtues  of  forgiveness,
        celibacy, honesty, etc. Using these powerful medicines, why
        can’t  we  uproot  these  diseases ?  Infact  we  are  continually
        adding  fuel  to  these  diseases  by  way  of  implementing  the
        forbidden. Isn’t this our foolishness and stupidity ?

        We have fortunately attained this glorious Jinshasana and holy
        Jain religion. In this precious Jinshasana and human birth,
        if we do not work towards the betterment of the soul and
        thereby eliminate our diseases in which other birth will we
        be able to do so ? If I do not utilize Jinshasana, then what
        is the point of gaining it. This should be our daily worry.
        6. Soul – A Slave ?                                           33
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