Page 46 - EJO0055
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He  does  not  just  sit  back  and  think  but  also  implements  as
        much  as  he  can.  Even  after  exercising  possible  religious
        activities he analyses that –

        (1)  Did these religious activities reduce my desire for sensual
            pleasures, my passionate feelings of anger, greed, etc. ?

        (2) How many more vices are left to eliminate ?

        Q.  How did Shalibhadra forsake his tremendous wealth and
            comforts ?  Thinking  about  the  intensity  of  the  dreadful
            birth cycle –

        When you contemplate upon the life of previous great men,
        you will realize that they all left their happy and comfortable
        life because they understood the dreadful nature of this world
        and developed a feeling of non-attachment towards it. Feeling
        the dreadful repercussions of sensual desires and vices, great
        men left the materialistic comforts without a second thought
        and accepted the path of non-violence, penance, renounciation.
        Does this surprise you ? It shouldn’t but it definitely does. You
        may be wondering that,

        (1)  Hey !  Jambukumar,  you  left  abundant  wealth  amounting
            to 99 crore gold coins just by listening Lord Mahavira’s
            one sermon…

        (2)  Hey !  Shalibhadra  you  suddenly  left  your  32  beautiful
            wives  as  well  the  99  boxes  of  ornaments,  clothes,  etc.
            that came to you from heaven each day.

        (3)  O Dhanyakumar ! You left the enormous wealth amounting
            to 32 crore gold coins by just listening to Lord Mahavira’s
            one  sermon.  You  accepted  the  path  of  renounciation  on
            the next day itself.

        Each of these indidents surprises you.
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