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P. 49

After accepting monkhood, she lived such a holy life that she
        was reborn as an Indra* in the 12th heaven named Achyuta.

        You may ask,

        Q.  Becoming an Indra in the Achyuta heaven – is it a great
            achievement ?

        A.  Yes,  it  is  a  great  achievement.  Because  the Achyutendra
            acquires the first chance to perform the Janmabhisheka* of
            numerous Tirthankara Lords born in the 5 Bharat, Airavat,
            Mahavideha  regions.  64  Indras  and  crores  of  celestial
            beings  gather  to  perform  Lord’s  birth  ceremony  on  the
            eternal Mountain Meru. Among all of them, Achyutendra
            gets the first chance. These is no bidding or competition to
            decide who will do the first Abhisheka. But it is nature’s
            law  since  times  etermal  that  Achyutendra  gets  the  first
            chance. Thus, not by any hassle or opposition but naturally
            and  deservingly  Sita’s  soul  acquires  the  glorious  right  to
            perform Lord’s Janmabhisheka…

        No.  of  times  Sita’s  soul  (which  became  Indra)  will  get  the
        chance to perform the Jammabhisheka of Tirthankara Lords –
        Not 5-25, 100-200, 1-2 lakhs times but Sita gets the chance to
        perform the Janmabhisheka of innumerable Lords ‘Asankhya’
        times. Can you imagine this figure of Asankhya (Innumerable) ?
        It  isn’t  limited  to  lakhs,  crores,  millions,  billions  or  even
        trillions.  Because  these  figures  are  equivalent  to  a  mere
        drop compared to the figure of ‘Asankhya’ which is like an
        enormous  ocean.  This  figure  of  ‘Asankhya’  is  measured  in
        our  scriptures  by  the  example  of  ‘Anavasthita  –  Shalaka  –
        Pratishalaka – Mahashalaka’. Imagine Sita’s fortune !

        *  Indra – Head of celestial beings
        *   Janmabhisheka – A ritual wherein Tirthankara Lords are showered
          with holy waters by heavenly beings right after their birth.
        8. A Clear Vision                                             39
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