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It means, whatever good or bad that we attain is all dependent
        on  our  previous  good  or  bad  karmas.  Others  are  merely  an
        instrument. Sitaji continues, “When such inauspicious karmas
        fructify neither you nor your Lord do anything to stop them.
        Thus leave this incident and my state to karmas and you go
        back to your Lord without my tension.”

        Doesn’t  Sitaji’s  right  perception  reflect  in  her  conversation
        with  the  soldier ?  Right  perception  is  possible  only  if  you
        possess exceptional faith in Almighty’s words. Also this faith
        should be evident from your actions and thoughts and not be
        limited to mere words.

        When you are passing through life’s good phase, you shouldn’t
        feel proud and stay on cloud 9. Instead, you should realize that
        this is all karma’s game. Today it is favouring me, tomorrow
        it may not. Hence, I shouldn’t be overwhelmed if something
        good happens to me. This is the ideal outlook if you possess
        the right perception and faith in Almighty’s words.

        When  you  are  surrounded  by  adversity,  you  will  not  be
        dejected  and  start  blaming  one  another.  No  one  is  to  blame
        except  my  own  karmas.  Hence,  I  shouldn’t  be  annoyed  if
        something bad happens. It’s all my own karma’s game. Once
        these karmas show their fruits, they will get exhausted.
        Madanrekha’s heart-touching incident :

        Madanrekha’s husband was killed by his own brother. What
        did she tell her husband at this point of time ? “Why get angry
        on your brother ? Do not think otherwise. All that happened
        was only due to your own karmas. Your brother is merely an
        instrument. Do not get annoyed on him.”

        “Your brother is similar to an axe’s handle . It is not the axe’s
        wooden handle which cuts the wood but the sharp axe blade.
        Similarly, only your karmas are responsible for your death, not
        9. Exceptional Ascetic Life                                   43
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