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this material world, it is absolutely essential to strive towards
        increasing  and  purifying  the  right  perception.  Mahasati  Sita
        must have surely done all this and is thus reborn as an Indra in
        the 12th heaven ! There, too he got a chance to further purify
        his perception by way of performing the first Janmabhisheka
        of innumerable Tirthankara Lords.

        Here, alongwith unflinching faith and love for Lord’s teachings,
        the devotion for Lord also played a pivotal role in her rebirth
        as an Indra.
        Sage Tamali’s case :

        Q.  Sage Tamali was a Mithyadrishti. He did not possess any
            devotion for either Lord or his teachings. Inspite of this he
            was reborn as the Indra in the 2nd heaven- Ishan. There
            suddenly how did he develop affection towards Lord ? He
            did not possess such devotion in the previous birth.

        A. Two things have to be taken into consideration here –

        (1)  Though  Sage  Tamali  was  a  Mithyadristhi,  he  had
            understood  the  real  nature  of  Tirthankara  Lords  –  free
            from illusion and deceit and thus had developed a strong
            feeling  of  affection  towards  him.  Infact,  because  of  this
            strong affection he renounced his home and accepted the
            life of a hermit.
            The actuality was this – He realized that, “I have been a
            prey to ignorance and deceit since times eternal. Not only
            in the births of animals but also in the births of humans
            in other countries, I have practiced selfishness and cheated
            others. Now, in this holy human birth, if I continue doing
            the same, then when will I worship God ? For that I have
            to  retire  from  this  selfish  world  and  go  to  the  lonely
            forests  where  I  can  peacefully  devote  and  worship  God.
            Thinking  on  these  lines,  he  had  become  a  forest  hermit.
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