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Thus forsaking Jainism will eliminate his chances of renoun-
        ciation  without  which  salvation  is  impossible.  Thus  this
        precious human birth will definitely be wasted !”

        Imagine the situation when Sitaji delivered such a message !
        She  was  left  alone  in  the  forest  in  an  extremely  miserable
        state  –  at  such  a  time  she  conveyed  such  a  message.  She
        could  have  said  something  like  this,  “Message ?  You  have
        already killed me alive, now what message you want ?” “Such
        a breach of trust ?” “Such deceit ?” “Did you inform me while
        marriage that inspite of your innocence if people accuse and
        criticize you, I will throw you out of my house and heart ?”
        “You are afflicting me with pain and troubling me. Now wait
        and watch as to what will your state be.” Didn’t she feel like
        telling anything of the above to Rama ?

        No.  Because  her  heart  was  filled  with  unflinching  faith  for
        Arihanta’s teachings. She strongly believed, “My husband is
        not responsible for my condition. Only and only my karmas
        are responsible for my present state. It is a clear calculation
        that in my previous birth I had troubled someone and those
        karmas of mine are now troubling me. Knowledgeable men’s
        declaration that, “Any activities and sensual pleasures done
        in  this  world  are  eventually  going  to  end  in  sorrow  and
        pain.” proves to be true. Thus my act of getting married, my
        thirst for sensual pleasures has led me to this state.

        Such a clear calculation was right in front of Sita’s eyes. Then
        how would she find her husband’s fault ? She will believe her
        attachment for sensual pleasures to be the real fault.

        Our course of action during critical periods :

        Learning about Sita’s message, we can understand the vision of
        a person who has truly and heartly accepted and implemented
        religion. During such adverse conditions, she drew Rama’s
        attention towards the path of religion and salvation.
        10. Impact of Increase in Right Perception                    53
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