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11. The True Vision

        A religious soul’s ultimate goal – Salvation :

        If  you  focus  on  religion  during  times  of  prosperity,  then
        you  can  focus  on  religion  during  times  of  adversity  as
        well.  Similarly,  if  you  focus  on  salvation  during  times  of
        prosperity, only then can you focus on salvation during times
        of adversity.

        During prosperous times you should constantly warn yourself
        that  this  prosperity  is  not  permanent.  Only  the  happiness  in
        salvation  is  permanent  and  eternal.  Prosperity  of  material
        wealth and luxuries is insignificant.
        Salvation is the soul’s real prosperity.

        Look, how impactful this thought is !

        Sthoolibhadra’s example :

        While  Sthoolibhadra  was  engrossed  in  the sensual  pleasures
        with prostitute Kosha, he refused to accept the token sent by
        the  King. Why ?  Because  accepting  the  token  would  reduce
        his  time  with  Kosha.  Similarly,  you  can  conclude  that  by
        staying  amidst  these  temporary  worldly  pleasures  you  are
        missing  out  on  the  unlimited,  eternal  pleasures  of  salvation.
        This precious human birth is to strive towards the attainment
        of such eternal pleasures and not for worldly attractions.

        A  true  Jain  householder’s  focus  is  constantly  directed  at
        salvation  and  hence  his  life  is  constantly  revolving  around
        the next birth. Even in times of prosperity, his words, thoughts

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