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Why  does  a  father  scold  his  son ?  Why  does  a  teacher
            punish  the  student ? Why  will  an  intelligent  person  hate
            the  fools ?  Because,  in  his  mind,  the  pride  of  prosperity
            has  sprouted.  Instead,  if  a  person  understands  the  real
            salvation,then  he  won’t  want  all  this  worldly  prosperity
            and thus there will be no place for pride and arrogance.
            No space for hatred and envy.

        In  life,  it  is  thus  wise  to  consider  the  vision  focused  on
        salvation  and  actual  salvation  to  be  the  real  prosperity.
        Ultimately,  salvation  is  my  goal,  then  why  not  utilize  this
        present worldly prosperity to go closer to salvation.

        Using  one’s  prosperity  to  go  further  away  from  salvation  is
        an  act  of  fools.  The  distance  between  me  and  salvation  at
        present  has  increased  considerably  than  the  distance  which
        was present during the time of birth. This is because I used
        all the worldly prosperity and comforts in sinful acts and thus
        accumulated new karmas. This is complete foolishness.

        Wise men whose focus rests on salvation constantly consider
        their prosperity to be a result of Arihanta Lord’s compassion
        and  thus  increase  their  devotion  towards  the  Arihantas.
        Alongwith  this  he  increases  his  contact  with  Sadhu-Sadhvis
        and  devotes  more  time  in  their  reverence  and  also  uses  his
        prosperity to join others in the right path. This is all an effect
        of a vision constantly focused on salvation.
        King Samprati’s optimum utilization of prosperity :

        How efficiently King Samprati used his wealth and prosperity !
        He  built  25,000  Jain  temples,  numerous  lodges  for  pilgrims
        and many charity houses. He spent his wealth and energy to
        enable ignorant people staying in far-away countries to know
        about Jainism and Jain Sadhu-sadhvis. He did widespread noble
        acts and strived to spread religion as far as Greece, Iran, etc.

        11. The True Vision                                           57
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