Page 62 - EJO0055
P. 62

While singing Mahasati Sita’s glory, we saw how she consoled
        the  soldier  by  explaining  him  the  Karma  philosophy.  Who
        consoles  whom ?  The  depressed  consoles  the  joyous  or
        viceversa !

        Who is worth consolation ? Don’t you think that Sita who is
        thrown out of the palace and left alone in the forest deserves to
        be consoled ? Instead, Sitaji goes a step forward and consoles
        the soldier who is ordered to leave her alone. What greatness !
        What royalty !
        Not  only  this,  she  exhibits  exemplary  royalty  when  she
        delivers an unexpected message to her husband.

        Sitaji’s Heart-touching Message to Rama :

        Before  leaving  Sita  alone  in  the  forest,  the  soldier  politely
        asks Sita, “I am returning back to Lord Rama. Do you have
        any message to convey ?”

        Sita replies, “Tell your Lord that he left me because of people’s
        accusations – not to worry about me. But tomorrow if people
        start criticizing Jainism saying, “King Ramchandraji is a fool
        to  stick  to  Jain  priciples  all  the  while  inspite  of  ruling  over
        people  belonging  to  18  different  castes.”  If  people  say  so,
        then tell him that I beg him not to leave Jainism amidst such
        circumstances depending on the opinion of ignorant people.
        Sitaji patiently continues, “The reason behind this is that even
        after leaving me, he will get another good princess who might
        be better and more beautiful than me. This will not prove to
        be  an  obstacle  on  his  path  of  salvation  because  even  after
        marrying  another  woman  he  can  leave  her,  accept  the  path
        of ascetism and attain salvation. But if he happens to leave
        Jainism because of people’s criticism, then he will not find
        any religion better or even equivalent to Jainism and this
        will definitely obstruct his path of salvation.”
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