Page 57 - EJO0055
P. 57

10. Impact of Increase in Right


        (1)  As the affection towards husband increases, eagerness to
            act according to his desire also increases.
        (2)  A  love-blind  husband  is  attached  to  his  wife  and  thus
            enthusiastically works as per her wishes.

        (3)  A patient who trusts his doctor will follow his advice and
            medications regularly. He will avoid that which is termed
            unhealthy  by  the  doctor.  He  will  consume  only  what  he
            is advised to.

        (4)  A  student  who  is  learning  sculpture  from  a  renowned
            sculptor and has faith in him will leave his own thinking
            and will implement his teacher’s teachings.

        (5)  There is a well-known folktale wherein a famous painter
            is  teaching  his  son  how  to  paint.  He  would  pick  out
            4-4  mistakes  each  time  his  son  approached  him  with  a
            new picture. The son had immense faith in his sculpture
            knowledge  and  respect  and  love  for  his  father  which
            enabled  him  to  follow  his  words  and  thus  correct  his
            mistakes. He became an efficient sculptor within a period
            of 6 months.

        Similarly, in this ascetic life as the liking for Almighty’s words
        increases, faith in his principles strengthens, implementation
        of  his  words  i.e.  the  path  of  renounciation  also  becomes
        stronger. Thus, even after accepting ascetism and renouncing

        10. Impact of Increase in Right Perception                    47
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