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of  renounciation  and  had  thus  identified  Tirthankara
            Lord  –  free  from  love  and  hatred.  His  devotion  towards
            Tirthankara Lords naturally overflowed because of which
            he  was  reborn  as  the  Ishanendra  wherein  he  got  an
            amazing  opportunity  to  rever  God.  It  is  sung  in  thoya.
            (4 paragraph verses)
        “Te Jinpujathi Aaradhaka Ishana Indra Kahayaji”

        Sage Tamali became the Ishan Indra in his next birth because
        of extra ordinary feelings of devotion towards Lord. He used
        to regularly join himself in the reverence of the beautiful idols
        of Tirthankaras present in his heavenly abode. He carried out
        the  transformation  and  beautification  of  the  temples  present
        on the eternal Shatrunjay Mountain. Thus, because of all this
        he was considered to be Lord’s true devotee. The root of all
        this lies in his previous birth.
        Therefore coming back to Sita, attainment of the 12th heaven
        and  the  golden  opportunity  for  God’s  devotion  was  a  result
        of  the  exceptional  devotion  towards  the  Arihantas  that  she
        had  cultivated  in  the  previous  birth  as  a  sadhvi  (nun).Her
        position  as  an  Indra  as  well  as  the  chance  to  perform  the
        Janmabhisheka innumerable times was an outcome of terrific
        devotion towards the Arihantas.

        From  this  we  can  deduce  that  devotion  towards  God  is
        life’s first and foremost “thing to do.”
        We  are  living  a  precious  human  life.  Thus,  devotion  and
        reverence  for  God  becomes  a  must  for  each  and  every  one.
        To constantly increase this devotion, we must forsake as many
        worldly attachments as we can. This will glorify our devotion
        and faith in the Arihantas. Only and only during this human
        birth,  can  we  adopt  such  devotion  and  renounciation.  If
        we keep this in mind,then we can progress on the path of
        devotion and renounciation.
        10. Impact of Increase in Right Perception                    51
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