Page 64 - EJO0055
P. 64

(1) You left me, but never leave religion.

        (2)  Your path of salvation will not be hindered in my absence
            but will surely be hindered in the absence of religion.

        The  above  two  messages  indicate  that  a  true  religious
        person always considers religion to be an integral part of
        life and never forgets his ultimate goal of salvation. Sitaji
        must have definitely done this; only then could she remember
        religion in adverse times.
        You  can  remember  religion  and  salvation  in  times  of
        adversity only if you have given it considerable importance
        during times of prosperity.

        You  earned  money  and  prosperous  times  prevailed. At  such
        a  time  you  will  immediately  consider  it  to  be  a  result  of
        religion  exercised  in  the  previous  birth.  I  have  attained  this
        wealth because of charity, compassion, devotion of God and
        Guru exercised in the previous birth. Thus as this prosperity
        is an outcome of religion; today I will utilize these prosperous
        times  to  exercise  religion  and  noble  acts  and  not  for  sinful

        It is a logical deduction. If prosperous times prevail because
        of  religion  exercised  in  the  past,  then  adversity  is  bound  to
        attack  us  in  future  because  of  our  present  sins  and  violent
        activities.  Thus,  it  is  absolutely  necessary  to  be  constantly
        alert and keep a religious outlook all the time.

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