Page 59 - EJO0055
P. 59

Though,  he  did  not  have  Tirthankara  Lord  in  mind,  but
            his main intention was to worship God – a God who was
            free  of  all  vices.  Thus,  why  can’t  such  an  intention  of
            devotion multiply in the next birth ?
        The question here is –

        Q.  But  Sage  Tamali  had  not  attained  Jain  religion  and  had
            not  identified  Tirthankara  Lord  in  the  true  sense.  Then
            how can you say that he possessed devotion towards Lord
            which was carried forward in the next birth ?

        A.  He  had  not  personally  identified  Arihanta  Lord.  But  he
            had  accepted  the  one  who  is  free  from  worldly  illusion
            and deceit as his idol. His God was the one who was like
            this. He was the follower of such a God.

        Such a God is only Arihanta Lord and hence we can say that
        indirectly he worshipped the Arihantas.

        You will always desire to be like your chosen idol.

        Sage tamali had chosen the one who was free from illusion
        and deceit as his God. Therefore when the Bhuvanpati devis
        came to lure him and move him from his meditation saying,
        “You decide to become our head (Indra) in the next birth. We
        will serve you a lot.” At such a time, Sage Tamali thought :

        “I have done great penance for 60,000 years. I fasted for
        two  days  and  on  the  3rd  day  I  had  mere  tasteless  rice
        and that too washed in water for 21 times. I overcame my
        taste  buds  not  for  the  sake  of  these  temporary  heavenly
        comforts  and  attractions  but  for  permanent  salvation  –
        a state free from illusion and deceit.”

        Thinking on these lines, he did not have even a single glance at
        those heavenly devis. He continued his meditation peacefully
        and  eventually  the  devis  gave  up,  angrily  spit  at  him  and
        went away.
        10. Impact of Increase in Right Perception                    49
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