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your brother. He is at the axe’s handle position. Thus, if you
        have thought against him, then forgive him at once. Cultivate
        feelings of friendship and brotherhood. Pray God to bless him
        and seek the refuge of 4 eternal shelters- Arihantas, Siddhas,
        Sadhus  (saints)  and  Dharma  (religion).  Condemn  your  bad
        deeds and appreciate your good acts. Engross yourself in the
        meditation of Navakar Mantra.

        What miracle did Madanrekha’s words perform ? Her husband
        developed a feeling of forgiveness and equanimity. He attained
        a  peaceful  death  and  eventually  became  a  celestial  being  in
        the  5th  heaven.  If  Madanrekha  wouldn’t  have  explained  the
        karma  philosophy  to  him,  instead  supported  his  negative
        thoughts  saying,  ‘What  a  rascal  your  brother  turned  out  to
        be  !’  ‘How  could  he  perform  such  a  criminal  act ?’,  then
        what would have been the outcome ? Her husband’s negative
        feelings  and  a  desire  for  revenge  would  have  increased  and
        he would have landed up in hell.
        The  real  advantage  of  attaining  Jinshasan  and  right
        perception, the core of what Jinshasan has to say is this-
        “In this world, whatever good or bad that happens to you
        is only dependent on your good or bad karmas.”

        Mahasati Madanrekha’s glorious faith and perception was in
        sync with this principle. She had heartly accepted and applied
        this  principle  in  her  life.  Only  then,  could  she  console  her
        husband  and  remind  him  this  golden  karma  theory  at  such
        a  critical  time  when  her  husband  was  killed  by  his  own
        elder  brother  and  she  was  going  to  be  a  widow  in  no  time.
        Such  appealing  were  her  words  that  she  was  successful  in
        eliminating  hatred  and  animosity  from  her  husband’s  mind.
        Not  only  this,  she  ensured  that  her  husband  forgave  his
        brother and attained a peaceful death, thus saving him from
        the cluthes of hell.
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